Sunday, July 10, 2011

5 Snoring Treatment Tips

If you are at your wits end with being woken up every hour either to the sound of your own snoring, or being dug in the back and told to “Roll Over”; or if you are the long suffering sufferer of a snorer, then read over these five tips to snoring treatment.

If like me you sound like a bear growling a cave when your asleep, then you will no that snoring has a big impact on life. Regardless of the health issues (which are significant), snoring can play havoc with your relationship.

If you are at you wits end with being woken up every hour either to the sound of your own snoring, or being dug in the back and told to “Roll Over”; or if you are the long suffering sufferer of a snorer, then read over these five tips to snoring treatment.


Take a look at your diet. Although this probably won’t be the complete snoring treatment answer, it is worth starting with what you’re eating and drinking. You could well have intolerance to certain foods which affects your breathing, especially when lying on you back. For example, too much (or an intolerance to) dairy produce is likely to cause you to become blocked up with mucus, when horizontal, this collects causing heavy breathing and snoring. Alcohol is another common offender.


Being overweight is another significant contributor. Excess weight in the neck and chest puts pressure on the breathing passage.


Sleep on you side or front. Now this is easier said than done, because it’s hard to control your sleeping position when you are asleep! However, there is an old trick that may be worth considering. You could sow a walnut, table tennis ball or similar size object into the back of a shirt and wear that in bed. Each time you roll on your back it will dig into you, causing you to roll back again – providing you don’t take your shirt of in your sleep.


Use nasal strips. I found these to be very helpful, at least to start with. Nasal strips (often used by athletes) open the air passage for you, thus removing or preventing blockages. If your desperate it’s worth a try, but the cost can add up over the days, months and years.


I’ve saved the best until last. Exercising the muscles in your throat, tongue and doing breathing exercises can completely cure your snoring. For more detailed information and more tips go to

Saturday, July 9, 2011

5 Sensitive Skin Care Tips

Sensitive skin is often blamed for breakouts and itchy skin. This article discusses the qualities of sensitive skin and how these can be determined. This article also provides information and tips on the proper care of sensitive skin designed to reduce sensitivity and increase skin resilience.

A lot of people claim that they have sensitive skin when they break out after using a certain product or were exposed to the sun. However, most of than not, the culprits behind the blotchy skin and zits are using inappropriate products for one's skin type and bad skin habits. If you are one of the many who break out or itch after sun exposure or using a product, it is a good idea to determine if sensitive skin is really the cause or something else.

How to tell if you have sensitive skin?

Generally, sensitive skin is thin with visible broken capillaries under the skin's surface. Sensitive skin also has fine pores. When exposed to moderate changes in temperature, sensitive skin reddens easily, whether from cold or heat. Sensitive skin tends to rash easily when exposed to dirt or even moderate strength skin care products. If your skin manifests these signs, chances are high that you really have sensitive skin. For a thorough skin assessment, a visit to a dermatologist is in order.

Since caring for sensitive skin can be quite difficult, it is advisable to limit the use of skin care products. Generally, simple skin care regimens are more effective on sensitive skin since it prevents product overload. Sensitive skin care relies on strengthening the skin to reduce sensitivity and increase tolerance.

How to care for sensitive skin?

1. Hydrate your skin.

Sensitive skin is prone to dryness which can lead to increased sensitivity. Drinking eight or more glasses of water and applying a lightweight and hypoallergenic moisturizer a day can help restore your skin's moisture or lipid barrier that acts as defense mechanism against allergens.

2. Eat skin-friendly food.

Fruits, vegetables, and other water-rich foods are essential in correcting skin imbalances. The vitamin, mineral, and water content of these foods hydrate your skin and restore its health. On the other hand, eating spicy food and drinking alcohol and caffeinated drinks can increase your skin's sensitivity.

3. Limit sun exposure.

Sun exposure can cause sensitive skin to redden and burn easily. Before going out, apply sun protection on your face using sunscreen and on your body with sunblock lotion. You can extend the protection to your lips to prevent them from darkening. Applying an SPF-rich lip balm under your lipstick or gloss can help protect your lips. Umbrellas, sunglasses, and hats protect your body, eyes, and face from overexposure to the sun.

4. Protect skin at all times.

Even when you are indoors, your skin still needs protection. If you are staying in an airconditioned room or one with forced heating, apply a lightweight moisturizer frequently. this will prevent your skin from drying out due to the extreme temperatures.

5. Avoid products with artificial colorants and synthetic fragrances.

Colorants and fragrances are added to skin care products only for increasing marketing appeal. Your skin do not actually benefit from these additions. Often, they even cause allergic reactions and increase your skin's sensitivity.

Aside from these tips, it is also a good idea to switch to skin care products that are specially formulated for sensitive skin. A thorough skin assessment and consultation with a dermatologist can reveal to you skin care techniques and products that can help strengthen your skin and minimize its sensitivity.

Friday, July 8, 2011

5 Reasons You Can Get Pregnant While On Birth Control

While most birth control and contraception methods are deemed highly effective in preventing unplanned pregnancies, there is still the possibility that one can get pregnant while on birth control. This article explores five reasons and ways that may cause unplanned pregnancies even while practicing contraception methods.

Most women rely on popular contraception methods like birth control pills and condoms to prevent unplanned pregnancies. Although the Pill and most common forms of contraception used by men and women are highly reliable in preventing pregnancies, there is still the possibility of getting pregnant while on birth control albeit being very minimal. Below are five reasons that may cause pregnancies while on birth control:

Improper use of chosen contraception method

Most contraception and birth control methods are almost a hundred percent pregnancy-proof. Human error plays a large part why unplanned pregnancies occur among people practicing birth control.

One such example is the improper use of the Pill. The Pill must be taken at exactly the same time everyday. Forgetting or being late in taking a scheduled Pill intake and having unprotected sex can cause a pregnancy. Also, since the Pill is taken in cycles, a disruption in the cycle caused by missed birth control pills can be tricky to correct and cause an unplanned pregnancy without a backup or alternative form of birth control.

Condoms are also prone to misuse. Not taking the air out of the condom before putting it on can cause it to burst due the friction created by the intercourse. Also, using a condom that does not fit well can cause it to burst or slide and spill the semen during intercourse.

Diaphragms, cervical caps, and IUDs, on the other hand, need to be checked at least once a month for proper positioning. Misalignment or improper coverage can provide little pathways for the sperm to reach the egg and start the conception process.

Inconsistent usage of contraception methods

Inconsistency in the use of contraception methods also contribute to the number of unplanned pregnancies that occur while on birth control. Missed birth control pills or having unprotected sex without condoms “just this one time,” is enough to cause a pregnancy. Since sperm can live inside the woman's reproductive system for days, having just one unprotected encounter is enough to cause a pregnancy even if the succeeding sexual intercourse made use of contraceptives.

Other antibiotic medications

Taking antibiotic medications have been found to affect and interfere with the efficacy of birth control pills. Antibiotic medications can decrease the levels of steriod plasma concentrations in the pills which can drastically alter their effects. If pills are taken along with antibiotic medication, it is advised that women and their partners use backup birth control methods to augment the decreased efficacy of the pills. Backup contraceptives can come in the form of sperm gels, creams, and condoms.

Broken condoms and other barrier methods

Breakage is the prime cause of failure for barrier methods of contraception. Broken condoms and other barrier methods provide a way for the sperm to escape and reach the egg. Condoms are usually broken due to the increased friction and pressure during intercourse. Using the right-sized condoms and proper latex-safe lubricants can help minimize condom ruptures. Other barrier methods can benefit from monthly checkups to assess and maintain the right fit.

Believing there is a safe time for unprotected sex

There is never a safe time for unprotected sex. Studies have shown that while most women get pregnant during their mid-cycle or fertile days, some also get pregnant on days that normally considered as non-fertile. As such, it is advised that protection should always be used whenever one has sex to prevent unplanned pregnancies.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

5 Hot Reasons to Buy a Home Device for Low Level Laser Thera

If you've always wanted to try low level laser therapy, now's the time. Here are 5 hot reasons to buy a low level laser home device. Boost your health with this amazing technology...

Low level laser therapy provides a refreshing alternative to many pain relief and healing methods as well as stress-relieving relaxation techniques. With a low level laser, or cold laser, patients can receive relief from many ailments using a cold, safe laser light that doesn't burn or harm the skin.

Common names for the low level laser are cold laser, soft laser, quantum healing laser, and therapeutic laser. There are also various types of lasers based on certain technology and research, such as the Scalar wave laser.

Until recently, you would most likely have to visit a doctor's office to receive the speedy relief of this amazing technology. But now you can enjoy low level laser therapy in the comfort of your own home. Here are five hot reasons to buy a home device for low level laser therapy.

1. Save Money for Ongoing Health Needs

Ongoing low level laser therapy administered by a doctor can range from $50 to $100 per visit. Though some therapies must be given by a doctor for certain conditions, most soft laser therapies can be performed at home. If you have ongoing conditions that require multiple therapy sessions, an in-home device can save you many dollars in the long run. Also, you'll have your low level laser device for future use whenever you need it.

2. Reclaim Your Health without Dangerous Side Effects

With low level laser therapy, you can avoid many dangerous side effects while reclaiming your health. Many medications, treatments, and surgeries affect your body in negative ways as it heals. Side effects such as vomiting and nausea, soreness, headaches, and allergies can all be just as taunting as the condition itself. Cold lasers do not typically cause negative side effects such as these. Instead, they promote healthy healing in which the body's cells are actively involved in the healing process.

Some of the health conditions that can be improved or alleviated with cold laser therapy include arthritis, neck and back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, sprains, ulcers, burns, acne, shingles, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and many others. Injuries can heal faster, tissues are repaired, and the immune system can be improved as well.

3. Save Time while Improving Your Health

With a home low level laser device, you'll save time and energy by being able to do the therapy at home. You can choose the time for your therapy when it's convenient for you. You won't be at the mercy of a doctor's office schedule. You won't have to miss a day of work to keep a therapy appointment. You can easily administer your own quantum healing laser therapy when you want, and you don't have to be an expert to do it!

4. Relieve Stress and Find Balance in Your Life

Soft lasers are also very useful in relieving stress. During low level laser therapy, the soft laser naturally helps your body reach a balanced state with all cells, glands, and organs working harmoniously together. The therapy helps you to unwind and relieve tension and stress at the end of a hard day. It also rejuvenates your body so it can heal while you relax! You'll feel better and sleep better as your body is finally able to deal with daily stresses the natural way.

5. Potentially Avoid Certain Medications and/or Treatments by Using the Cold Laser Alternative

Another hot reason to get a home low level laser device is you may be able to avoid certain medications and treatments. When your body is able to heal itself through healthy cell regeneration, you may no longer need certain pain medications to cover up the pain. This can help you feel better overall and save money too! For example, if you normally take pain pills several times per day to help with arthritis, you can stop taking these once the pain is gone. Note: You should consult with your medical doctor before discontinuing any prescription medications.

Low level laser therapy can be a worthy addition to your home healthcare products. Check out an online retailer to find home laser devices such as the Scalar wave laser at affordable prices. Also, be sure to follow all cold laser instructions or training carefully to enjoy maximum health benefits for years to come!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

5 Healthy Benefits of Following a Mediterranean Diet Plan

The Mediterranean diet has been around for centuries, but many people are just now realizing the tremendous benefits of the diet. Here are five excellent benefits of eating Mediterranean style...

The Mediterranean diet has been around for centuries, but if you don't live in countries where this diet is prevalent such as Greece or Italy, you may not realize the many benefits of eating healthy foods "Mediterranean" style. According to studies, the Mediterranean diet encourages healthy weight loss and helps to reduce risks of many life-threatening diseases. Below are five of the top benefits of following this diet.

1. Fast Weight Loss

One of the key benefits of the Mediterranean diet is fast weight loss. This is not from the results of a diet pill or a crash starvation diet, but from healthy, portion-controlled eating. Weight loss rates will vary, but some have reported losing an average of 10 pounds per month. Delicious diet recipes are often provided when following the Mediterranean diet that help to speed up the weight loss process without depriving you of much needed vitamins and nutrients. Losing weight alone can offer many health benefits.

2. Good Heart Health

The delicious diet recipes provided while following a Mediterranean diet are all designed to promote good heart health. The Mediterranean diet consists of healthy doses of olive oil, fruits and vegetables, and oily fish. With some participants, a moderate amount of wine is consumed with meals. All these help to lower cholesterol and keep the blood flow to the heart at a normal level, thus, reducing the risk of heart disease tremendously.

3. Lower Cancer Risks

Having too many toxins in the body can cause some types of cancer, such as breast cancer. Eating the types of healthy foods promoted in the Mediterranean diet such as fruits and vegetables will lower the amount of toxins in the body because these foods are natural antioxidants.

4. Prevent Gallstones

Those who have fallen victim to gall stones realize how painful they can be. With around 639,000 people being hospitalized per year with gallstones, many studies are being conducted to help find a cause and cure. The Mediterranean diet is rich in nuts, vegetable oil, and fish. Though gallstones are not always diet-related, consuming these foods can help to reduce the risk of gall stones or eliminate them altogether for some according to recent studies.

5. Lower Blood Pressure

The healthy foods in a Mediterranean diet can also work to lower and regulate blood pressure. Blood cholesterol levels can return to normal when eating less fatty foods and salt, and more healthy vitamins and minerals. Cooking procedures on a Mediterranean diet usually involve roasting or grilling rather than frying, so more nutrients are retained in the food during preparation, and there is much less fat consumption.

These are only a few of the benefits. The Mediterranean diet also offers many other benefits such as reducing the risks of blood clotting, diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, and other life-threatening diseases. Don't deprive yourself. Start eating delicious diet recipes on the Mediterranean diet for healthy weight loss today.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

5 Great Tips For Your Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

We all want to have great cosmetic dentistry procedures and when leaving the dentist, tell him how happy we are with the great results. In order to achieve this you will have to do your homework in time.

We all want to have great cosmetic dentistry procedures and when leaving the dentist, tell him how happy we are with the great results. In order to achieve this you will have to do your homework in time.

I will outline here some of the best tips I know to help you start with this and make sure you will avoid any bad results.

Tip 1. You can always ask your dentist to show you some before and after photos so you can make an idea of how your dentist worked before on other patients.
Some dentists also have this kind of cosmetic dentistry pictures for sale. You just have to ask.

Tip 2. Before starting your cosmetic dentistry procedure you will have to make sure that what you want and/or need is the same as what your dentist will do.
In order to make sure of this you will need to have a great communication with your dentist. You don't want to have a bad experience and see at the end that
you ended up with something you don't like.

Tip 3. Another great thing that you can do, both for you and your dentist, is to bring with you photos that show your expected results. This way your dentist
will know exactly what you have in mind, what you desire.

Tip 4. Never allow a dentist to start prepping your teeths without first having a functional wax-up done for you so you can see exactly how your teeth will
look after your treatment. This functional wax-up is prepared in the laboratory in order to be approved by you.

Tip 5. Large ammounts of money are spent each and every year by companies that market their cosmetic dentistry products. You should not belive everything you
see in commercials on TV. Always try to research each product or firm you want to use, on the internet. Search for reviews and anything you might find to make an exact idea of anything you might use.

I've outlined this great tips to help you with your cosmetic dentistry procedures. Always be aware of when you want to choose cosmetic dentistry.

Monday, July 4, 2011

5 Factors Affecting The Cost Of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is gaining popularity as a method of permanent hair removal. Permanent hair removal saves the time, cost and hassle of waxing, shaving or using crème hair removal products. The cost of laser hair removal can be high, but depends on several factors.
What is the Cost of Laser Hair Removal?
This is the most commonly asked question by people considering laser hair removal. The price depends on several factors. You should expect to have several sessions...

Laser hair removal is gaining popularity as a method of permanent hair removal. Permanent hair removal saves the time, cost and hassle of waxing, shaving or using crème hair removal products. The cost of laser hair removal can be high, but depends on several factors.
What is the Cost of Laser Hair Removal?
This is the most commonly asked question by people considering laser hair removal. The price depends on several factors. You should expect to have several sessions with the laser. Even in smaller areas, each follicle needs to be hit during its growth phase. This will take a few sessions, as not all follicles are ever in the growth phase together.

Although laser hair removal prices can be high, many people find the cost worth it to have the unwanted hair removed permanently. In many cases, the cost is in the range of other permanent hair removal techniques. Laser isn’t more expensive than the cost of electrolysis. Consider what you spend now for hair removal. Over time, you will save money on the cost of body waxing or depilatory products.
5 Factors Affecting the Cost
1. The size of the area being treated. The laser can be used on any area of the body, excluding the eye area. Smaller areas, such as the pubic region, require less time than larger areas, such as the legs, chest or back.

2. The area of the country where you live helps determine the cost. Sessions range from $300 to $500 per session, depending on where you live.

3. The number of sessions you will need. This will be discussed during your consultation. Four sessions is common, but it could be anywhere from three to six sessions.

4. The color of your hair and skin is a major factor in the cost of laser treatments. Because the energy from the laser is absorbed by the pigment in the hair, it’s best if your hair is darker than your skin tone. Dark hair on light skin responds best to treatment. The procedure is least effective on blonde or red hair. Several sessions will be required and the results may not be consistent.

5. The color of your skin is another factor that will affect the cost. Very dark skin isn’t a good candidate for laser hair removal. The energy from the laser is absorbed by the pigment in the skin. In extreme cases, this can result in burns or skin damage. For this reason, you should not have a suntan when you sit for laser hair removal. Avoid tanning for a month before the procedure to give your tan time to fade.
Choosing a Facility on the Cost of Laser Hair Removal
You should never choose a facility based solely on cost. This is not a cosmetic procedure, but a medical one. You want a highly trained and experienced person handling the laser. You may find discount clinics offering this service. Be suspicious of this type of clinic. A clinic with a well respected and experienced staff generally doesn’t offer deep discounts. You don’t choose your other medical care based only on cost, so you shouldn’t do this will laser hair removal either.
Choose a clinic based on the qualifications of the medical director and the experience of the staff. Look for a doctor that is Board Certified in Dermatology and who has had training and experience with the laser. The better clinics have more than one board certified doctor on staff. The atmosphere of the office should be professional.
Ask about the experience of the person performing the procedure. Most states require a physician or a RN under the supervision of a physician. Ask about the number of procedures and any adverse reactions that have occurred. If possible, speak to a few former patients about their experience.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

5 Easy Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Using 1 Great Fruit

Learn how tomatoes will strengthen your immune system and lower blood pressure.

Copyright 2006 Frank Mangano

Have you had your lycopene today? If you ate a green salad with fresh chopped tomatoes, then you not only got a healthy dose of this powerful antioxidant, but you have also taken significant action toward lowering your blood pressure. A recent double-blind study conducted in Israel has confirmed what hearth-healthy Italians have enjoyed for centuries – tomatoes (and tomato sauce) lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease.

The Israeli study was led up by Dr. Esther Paran, head of the hypertension division of Soroka Medical Center. It involved patients who were already being treated for hypertension, but were not responding well to the medications. Dr. Paran had patients take a supplement of tomato extract. The results were a significant drop in blood pressure after just four weeks.

Tomatoes are so effective at lowering blood pressure because they contain lycopene. This potent antioxidant is even the focus of some hybrid tomatoes grown by the Israeli company, Lycomato, in order to have higher concentrations of lycopene in each piece of fruit. Other antioxidants found in tomatoes make this one super-food in the prevention of heart disease. It can even help keep LDL cholesterol from oxidizing which makes it stick to the arteries and narrow the passage way causing blood pressure to increase.

Even during the peak growing season it can be difficult to consume four whole tomatoes each day, which is the recommended amount for having a positive impact on blood pressure. Here are some ways to get the benefits of tomatoes without having to eat them straight off the vine.

1. Make Chili. Using tomato puree, which is a concentrated form of tomatoes, as the base for your chili utilizes the antioxidants without the bulk of a whole tomato. Add some ultra-lean and high protein ground bison and kidney beans with minced garlic and onions, and cayenne pepper and you have a heart-healthy main course and a full day’s allowance of tomato.

2. Since using olive oil with the tomatoes enhances the curative quality, make your pasta sauce red with tomatoes, tomato paste and olive oil to sauté the garlic and onion. Tomato paste used in making sauce contains more than 10 times the nutrients of a single tomato.

3. Have a fresh salad as a side dish to either of these entrees and cut one whole tomato on top. You’ll get one-quarter of you tomato intake right there.

4. Drink tomato juice. It is better to make your own fresh juice so that you can control the sodium. Store bought juices can be high in sugar and sodium-based preservatives. If you have a juicer, you can make some incredible veggie juices to suit your own tastes by adding carrots, celery and some low-sodium seasonings.

5. Take a tomato supplement. If you just can’t stomach tomatoes, then a 200 mg supplement provides the equivalent of more than the recommended four tomatoes.

Adding tomatoes to your diet can reduce systolic blood pressure by 10 points and diastolic pressure by 4 points as was evident in the Israel study. Whatever way you slice it, tomatoes will keep strengthen your immune system and lower blood pressure.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

5 Crucial Steps to Buying Wholesale Nutritional Supplements

This article offers tips for buying wholesale nutritional supplements....

Whether you own a pharmacy, health store, grocery store, or even if you are a healthcare professional, getting quality nutritional supplements from a dependable wholesaler is not always easy. There are many companies that make big claims for their products while their consumers waste money on supplements that don't work.

That's why it is crucial for you to choose your wholesale distributor carefully. Here are five steps to ensure that you stock your shelves (or online catalog) with quality nutritional supplements at affordable rates.

1. Compare Nutritional Supplements and Check for Quality

Before signing on with a wholesale company, compare their brand names and product quality with others. Ask for referrals. Speaking with other business owners who use their products will give you plenty of information. Ask how their customers liked the products.

To check for quality, ask what ingredients are used in certain popular products including herbal remedies, weight loss supplements, hair supplements, and wellness products. Are there any additives that could weaken the product's affect? Also, ask for detailed information about their laboratory where drugs are produced. What are the regulations for safety, sanitization, and working conditions?

2. Check Availability

Be sure the wholesale distributor offers the items you need and plenty of them. Nutritional supplements come in different forms, such as pills, sprays, lotions, gels, powders, capsules, and lubes. They are available for a variety of purposes: hair growth, weight loss, quitting smoking, improving health, building muscle, and so forth. Many herbal remedies are designed to help someone become a healthy man or woman without the negative side effects often experienced with prescription medicines.

You should be able to buy all the types of nutritional supplements when you need them from your wholesale supplier so your customers won't be forced to go elsewhere.

4. Check Delivery Times

You can't sell a nutritional or herbal supplement that's "out of stock." It's important that your supplier provide a quick turnaround time and fast shipping services so your product will be in your store on time.

5. Check for Customization Possibilities

Be sure your wholesaler allows you to customize your nutritional supplements. Ask if you can order private label supplements and establish your own brand identity. Some companies will even develop new formulas for you!

Once you find a wholesaler that meets these requirements, you're on your way to success in the field of nutritional supplements. Remember, don't only compare prices - compare the quality of the products and services. You'll be able to give your customers the top-quality nutritional supplements they need at affordable rates.

Friday, July 1, 2011

4 Tips For Smoking Cessation

Tip 1: Rise above the cravings

Imagine the cigarettes as crutches. You’ve always had these crutches to lean on and soon, it becomes impossible to walk without them. The important thing to learn is that as soon as you walk on your feet again, they’ll quickly regain strength. It may be a little known fact, but about half of what a smoker inhales from his cigarette is pure air. The next time you’re hit with a craving, take some deep breaths and relax. You will soon be able to...

Tip 1: Rise above the cravings

Imagine the cigarettes as crutches. You’ve always had these crutches to lean on and soon, it becomes impossible to walk without them. The important thing to learn is that as soon as you walk on your feet again, they’ll quickly regain strength. It may be a little known fact, but about half of what a smoker inhales from his cigarette is pure air. The next time you’re hit with a craving, take some deep breaths and relax. You will soon be able to rise above the craving, feel refreshed, and move on.

Tip 2: All the reasons to quit

Why do you want to quit? Do you have children? Do you want to live to see your grandchildren? Are you sick of the smell? Whatever your reasons are, write them down. Keep a daily journal of how you feel and in the very first entry list in bold letters every reason you have for quitting. List things like health reasons, expense, inconvenience, bad breath, or other reasons and make the list as long as possible. Also be sure to list how you WILL feel when you’ve kicked the habit.

Tip 3: The good, the bad and the ugly

After you complete your lists of reasons you want to quit and how you’ll feel after you’ve quit, make a list of the consequences of not quitting. Have other smokers in your family gotten cancer? Have they died? Do they have to speak through a hole in their neck? Will you be unable to pay off debt because you’re always buying cigarettes? Whatever you consequences, be sure to list all of them. As above, be sure to list the consequences (good consequences, of course) of quitting. Keep them to look forward to.

Tip 4: Break time!

Most smokers agree: a cigarette is a break. When quitting, give yourself breaks, but do something. Go for walk, eat a piece of fruit or drink some juice. This is critical because the body will be going through changes expelling all the accumulated poisons. The fruit will aid this process in many ways.

Good luck!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

3 Ways To Drink More Water

After a little research it is apparent that nobody really knows where the saying that you need to drink 8 cups of water per day comes from. Some people trace it back to a study in the 1980's, and other people claim that doctors starting telling people that amount because it was a good goal, but didn't have any scientific research to back it up with.

Either way, the point is clear, water does wonders for your body, and your brain. Water is well known to cleanse your body of...

After a little research it is apparent that nobody really knows where the saying that you need to drink 8 cups of water per day comes from. Some people trace it back to a study in the 1980's, and other people claim that doctors starting telling people that amount because it was a good goal, but didn't have any scientific research to back it up with.

Either way, the point is clear, water does wonders for your body, and your brain. Water is well known to cleanse your body of harmful chemicals through your intestines and also throughout your urine tract. Without proper water intake, our bodies break down very quickly, in a matter of days. Without food, however, some people can live for a week or two. That just shows how important water is to our bodies.

Here are 3 quick tips for taking in more water.

1. Always have water available.

I like to buy the 12 ounce bottles of water and keep them in the fridge. Whenever I go to the gym I grab a bottle. On my way out the door to work, I grab a bottle. Before a trip that will be 30 minutes or longer, I grab a bottle. When I watch a movie, I grab a bottle.

Whenever I am sitting watching TV or a movie, I will keep the bottle in my hand with the lid off. I take a lot of little sips until the bottle is gone. A great way of making sure you drink more water is to make sure it is easily accessible.

2. Keep it cold.

I don't know many people who like to drink room temperature water, I sure don't. If you keep your water cold, you will drink more. I make sure there is always ice in my freezer, this make it very easy to have a cold glass of water anytime.

3. Chose water in restaurants.

Whenever I go out to eat, I always drink water with some lemon. The lemon adds a little spunk to the taste and the water is always nice, cold and refreshing. After a short time you will stop craving your old drink of choice and will begin to appreciate the taste, or lack of taste, that water provides.

Give water a shot and your body will be thankful!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

3 Things Crohns & Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Sufferers Must Do

It is said that nearly one in four Americans suffers from some kind of digestive disorder such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohns Disease. Although medically recognized as incurable there is no need for sufferers of Crohns and IBS to give up hope.

It is said that nearly one in four Americans suffers from some kind of digestive disorder such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohns Disease. Although medically recognized as incurable there is no need for sufferers of Crohns and IBS to give up hope. Although the conditions cannot be eradicated, the symptoms and distress can however be controlled. It is often true that what medical science cannot cure, common sense, information and commitment can subdue.

It is a frustration to many, that in many areas, medical advancement has brought breakthrough and hope to many suffering at the hands of illness, but still there are is a silent percentage, waiting in the wings hoping for their time to come.

So how can we loosen the chains of Crohns and IBS?

1. Get Informed.

In today’s world of super fast and open communication there is really no reason why someone should suffer in silence or ignorance for anything. A simple trip to the library will uncover many books and guides outlining possibilities and methods for controlling disorders such as Crohns Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. A quick search on the internet will uncover many opportunities and avenues for discovering exactly what is going on with your body.

2. Get Support.

In the same way, that there is no excuse to being ignorant, there is also no reason to be alone. Some people early on after being diagnosed with Chrons Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) go through a phase of denial – that’s natural – but there also comes a time to pick yourself up and face your disorder head on – but that doesn’t mean alone. There are many national and local support groups established which will help, encourage and motivate you to live life to the full and give ideas about how to

3. Get Control

Although the general principle is something of an illusion (after all, we are all uncontrollable factors in life) – it is absolutely essential for Chrons and IBS sufferers to work towards getting to grips with their disorder so they can start to feel free and live life again. For the majority, its not actually that hard – as long as you have been through the process of Getting Informed and Getting Support. In my experience the only way to get control that lasts and is beneficial is to take the information and support and apply to my own life religiously. With careful monitoring, strict adherence and continual awareness, you to can live the life you deserve.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

3 Steps to Managing Skin Allergies

An effective approach to managing skin allergies has three components. This article outlines the three steps you should take to alleviate the condition, and some of the man-made triggers that can start skin allergies.

An effective approach to managing skin allergies has three components. Firstly you must understand the condition, then you must discover if anything is triggering your skin reaction, and thirdly you must look after your skin.

Many people think that allergies only affect the respiratory or digestive systems, but they can also affect your largest organ- your skin. As with other allergies the immune system overreacts to the presence of certain substances and releases inflammation-producing chemicals. Do some research and talk to your doctor. You can be confident of controlling your skin condition better if you are sure you understand what causes it.

The second component in managing a skin allergy is identifying then eliminating the allergens and irritants that start the itching/scratching cycle. There are over three thousand known triggers for skin allergies. Many are natural, but there are plenty of man-made ones too.

A common man-made trigger is latex, which comes from the sap of the Brazilian rubber tree. The natural proteins and those added in the manufacturing process can trigger an allergic reaction. Most people are aware that this can lead to reactions if you wear latex gloves. However latex is also present in baby pacifiers, balloons, pencil erasers and elastic bands in undergarments. There can also be problems when latex particles become airborne and are inhaled. If you have a latex allergy try to avoid the material and use vinyl or plastic where possible.

Nickel is another trigger. In addition to the obvious nickel-containing metallic objects like coins and jewelry, nickel is also present in everyday objects like scissors, bathroom and kitchen cabinet handles, and zippers. Mascara, eye shadow and eye pencils also contain nickel. Experts estimate that the number of people suffering from a nickel allergy has risen about 40% in the last decade. Much of this is believed to be due to the popularity of body piercing. Some foods also have natural nickel content and people who suffer severe symptoms may need to restrict their diet under medical supervision. At present there is no way to desensitize a person with a nickel allergy. Avoidance is the best strategy.

The third component of effective management is looking after your skin. The easiest thing to do is to keep your fingernails short to reduce the damage caused by scratching.

Managing your skin's condition means firstly moisturizing and softening the skin to ensure it does not dry out. Your doctor may recommend you use topical corticosteroid preparations to control the inflammation.

When you take a bath soak in lukewarm water for 20 to 30 minutes. Do not have hot baths or showers, as the heat will increase skin dryness and itching. You can add oatmeal or baking soda to the bath for a soothing effect, though it does not help moisturize the skin.

Use a mild soap or a non-soap cleanser with neutral pH (pH7). If you wish to add bath oils do so after you have been in the water so that it can seal in the moisture. Do not use bubble baths as they can form a barrier that stops the bathwater moisturizing your skin.

After the bath dry yourself by patting your skin with a soft towel. This helps retain moisture. Immediately after drying your skin apply a lotion or emollient cream to help your skin retain the moisture.

To look after your skin you will also need to avoid situations where you will experience extreme physical contact, heavy perspiration, or heavy clothing. This may mean avoiding some sports. Swimming is permissible if you rinse the chlorine from your skin as soon as you leave the pool, and use a moisturizer after drying yourself.

Follow these three steps and you will be able to control your skin allergy and minimize its impact on your everyday life.

Monday, June 27, 2011

3 Steps To Helping Your Asthmatic Child

3 Steps To Helping Your Asthmatic Child

Word Count:

Parents of asthmatic children often feel powerless to help. This article discusses the signs of child asthma, the best way to administer medication, and what to do during an asthma attack.

The first and most important step to take is to decide to take charge of your child's asthma. Parents of asthmatic children suffer a range of contradictory feelings. Strongest is the natural concern for their child. Are you giving them the best treatment, or is there something you have not thought of or are unaware of? Then there are the doubts about being over or under protective. If they have non-asthmatic siblings do you treat all of your children the same? Perhaps there is some guilt that asthma may have been inherited and it is your fault your child has the condition.

Let's take charge of the situation and dispel this myth straight away. You have not willed it onto your child. It is nobody's fault or a judgement of some sort any more than an inherited ability that makes someone more likely to be good at sports or singing. You can also take charge by educating yourself about the condition. Do not waste time worrying if there are better treatments or medications for your child. Find out. Use the medical profession, library and internet. The best prescription is knowledge.

The next step is to be aware of your child's health. One problem with having an ill child is their inability to clearly explain how they feel. An asthmatic child may not come to you in the middle of the night and mention difficulty breathing, or persistent coughing. Instead they may leave their condition to worsen until their lungs have expanded enough to start pressing on their stomach. At this point they may mention they feel sick.

Some children just take a rest when their breathing becomes difficult and never mention they feel out of breath.

If you suspect your child may have asthma you probably know the classic signs to look for: coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, changes in color of skin, nails, or lips, and a tightness of the chest. But also be aware there are other signs that suggest there may be a problem: nausea, lethargy, and low appetite. Also notice if your child has to hunch forward as they exhale if they are feeling short of breath.

If possible take a look at your child's breathing as they sleep. This will enable you to see how they breathe when they are relaxed. Then you will be able to tell when their breathing becomes labored.

Next, ensure your child takes any inhaled medication properly. Many asthma medications are delivered by inhalers and it is often difficult for a child to understand and perform the necessary sequence of breaths to take these medicines. How long did your child take to learn to blow their nose properly? I know of one child who insisted they were holding their breath while they kept their lips firmly together as they breathed through their nose. Many children feel they cannot hold their breath for the required interval and end up dramatically gasping for air. If your asthmatic child has to take medicines through a metered dose inhaler it is often best to use it with a spacer or aero-chamber.

You need to be prepared for an asthma attack. Know what to do. If your child suffers an asthma attack keep calm and resist the urge to cuddle your child. Though this is perfectly natural it will constrict their chest and make it harder for them to breathe.

If you are driving your child to ER or a physician while they are having an asthma attack you must still buckle them into their child seat. Do not hold your child. Imagine what would happen if there was an accident.

To deal with asthma effectively you have to understand the disease and understand your child. You may be tempted to let your doctor make all the decisions, but there is so much more you can do than just administer medication. You can improve the condition by making changes to the home environment, to your child's diet, to how they breathe, and to the exercise they take. The more you know about asthma the more effectively you can control it.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

3 Simple Steps To A More Restful Sleep Tonight

Picture this: It's 5:27 PM. You're hungry after a busy day at work, itching to get home to see your family, and now you're stuck in traffic. Frustration sets in. But you're used to it since this is an every day occurrence.

So you finally stroll into your house at 6:04 PM, your 2 young children are clamoring for your attention, and they're hungry too. You pop some frozen dinners in the microwave knowing full well they're not healthy, but also knowing that you just don't hav...

Picture this: It's 5:27 PM. You're hungry after a busy day at work, itching to get home to see your family, and now you're stuck in traffic. Frustration sets in. But you're used to it since this is an every day occurrence.

So you finally stroll into your house at 6:04 PM, your 2 young children are clamoring for your attention, and they're hungry too. You pop some frozen dinners in the microwave knowing full well they're not healthy, but also knowing that you just don't have time to think, much less cook. After a quick dinner consisting of Salisbury Steak you're day's not even close to over.

Now it's time to do laundry, read with the kids, and of course a day's work left over from the office. When do you have time to rest? At night you keep telling yourself.

But every night it's the same old story. You flop into bed past 1 AM and close your eyes. Your mind is still racing from the day that just passed and the busy day ahead. So you toss and turn, hoping that you'll be able to get at least a little shut-eye before your 6:00 AM wake up call (an annoyingly loud alarm clock
you've had for 15 years).

And the next day it starts all over again. You're tired at work, you don't have time to eat, you're stressed, and you can't get out of the vicious cycle.

So what do you do?

First thing's first: take a deep breath. You're probably stressed out just reading this far.

To get a more restful sleep tonight do the following:

1) Get a notebook and take 5 minutes right before laying down to free write. What you want to do is get every thought from the past, present, and future out of your head and on paper where it's safe and secure. This will free the clutter from your head and allow you to rest easier.

2) Get a new alarm clock that wakes you up gradually with classical music. This will do absolute wonders for your morning routine. What you want to do is set the alarm to go off 15-20 minutes earlier than you usually wake up. It will turn on very quietly and slowly bring you out of your slumber.

3) Add a few very healthy snacks to your daily routine. One of my favorites is a 2 oz pre-packaged bag of baby carrots. They taste good, they're good for you, and they take no prep-time. When you're hungry at work or on the way home, munch on these. Another great snack is raw almonds. Eating healthier works
amazingly well to help you sleep better.

Please use these 3 simple tips to enjoy a more restful sleep tonight.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

3 Simple Factors to Beating Cocaine Addiction

Learn the most effective method to find the drug rehab program you really need and want. Find out how simple it is to select the right program to get your cocaine addiction problem totally handled.

3 Simple Factors to Beating Cocaine Addiction
Ok, someone you love and care about has a Cocaine Addiction Problem. Now what?

At this point many thoughts will go through your mind. Most people actually follow a common series of thoughts, believe it or not. The first thought is denial. The addict actually goes through this several times as well.

When the actions of the Cocaine Addict make this impossible to consider further, the next thought is that there is only a minor problem, not a drug addiction. This is where the majority of Cocaine Addicts fail to get the help they really need. It is the extreme exception that someone is a true casual cocaine user. There are no casual crack users as this is clearly the most addictive drug known to man. So the answer is clearly a cocaine addiction program. But how to you choose the right one?

Ultimately, you want your loved one back. You want that person free from drug addiction. You want that person to live a healthy and productive life. The answer is the right drug rehab program. But how do you find that one? The answer is actually much easier than most people think.

The majority of people do look into a number of drug rehab programs before making a selection. However, no one really knows the right questions to ask. In fact, because most people really have no understanding of effective drug rehabilitation, they actually eliminate the right program very early in their search. This is unfortunate simply because all that time and money invested then becomes a waste.

There are only 3 issues you need to address for any drug rehabilitation program to make sure your loved one is getting the best and you are getting not only your money's worth, but your loved one off drugs for good.

#1. What is the Program Success Rate?

This is clearly the most obvious question to ask. What few people know is that the very best programs have a better than 75 success rate and try to convince you that this is somehow the best that can be done. Obviously, these programs are a waste of time and should be avoided. All you need to know is to look for the program with a 75% success rate or better.

#2. What is the Drug Detoxification Method?

Any Drug Rehab Program that you would choose simply must have some sort of drug detoxification method. This is an absolute requirement if there is to be any serious chance that the addict will really get off drugs for good. The single greatest cause of relapse was drug residuals remaining in the body. This is why a drug detox program is required.

All drug detox methods are not the same. There are many detox methods that are very expensive, but no better for the addict. There are several hospital monitored detox methods that are not only very expensive but may also put your loved one into a coma-like state for a day or more. You want a simple, risk free drug detox program and the best of this is the time-tested sauna based detox method. This is not only the lowest cost method, but offers nearly zero risk to the addict. The drug rehab program that uses this approach is more concerned about getting your loved one off drugs permanently than trying to make a profit from you.

#3. What Guarantee do you offer with your Program?

Only the best programs will offer a rehabilitation result guarantee. Most people have never heard of this simply because so few programs actually offer it. You know that a program that will offer not only a medically safe drug detox, but extensive life skills training plus a long term follow-up program really cares about addicts. But a program that offers all this and a guarantee where the relapsing addict is re-treated at no additional cost really has the best interests of your loved one in mind. This is a program that is more concerned about the full rehabilitation of your family member back into the family and society than making profits.

If you simply use the above three questions in your rehabilitation program search, you will find the right program for your loved one, simply, easily and quickly.

Friday, June 24, 2011

3 Powerful Motivation Tips For Ripped Abs

Make your new fitness habits much more productive with the best 3 motivational tips that will keep you going to the gym and dieting with a smile on your face every time.

Can you see your self walking down the street at your favorite location looking and feeling great. Or as you stroll down the beach and you notice people glance over there shoulders to admire your beautiful ripped abs that belong to you. Feeling so confident in your self that your vacation seems perfect like a dream. You pinch yourself and realize that you have arrived.

Everyone in this green earth would love to have six pack abs and be fully healthy. Can everyone archive this goal? Yes. We people where created for excellence so yes, anything is possible. Although some may find it difficult to reach personal goals, anything is possible if you have an optimistic and positive outlook on life.

"Life is not fair" We can begin our day very positive, but by the end of the day if you are not fully focused of your objective and constantly thinking of your aspirations you can be a victim of procrastination. We as humans tend to enjoy the path of least resistance. Justifying our excuses and having procrastinations of our objectives. Nobody said that being discipline was easy. As a matter of fact here are some examples of things we tell ourselves unconsciously that keeps us from hitting our goals: "I would love to workout, but I don't want to be sore for tomorrow's barbeque.", "I will have a free day this weekend therefore I will stuff my face with cookies and milk.", "I love the gym, I just don't have time to go anymore."

The interesting thing is that we make ourselves believe such things. When in reality it is just bogus. The secret to success is not overworking but being in control of your thinking and outlooks in life. Whether you are looking to lose a few pounds or get in shape for bodybuilding competition, please under any circumstances don't let yourselves of any excuses. Here are some helpful mindsets that will help when you get back on track when you feel you are buying your excuses:

One: Always tell your friends and family about your goals. Telling your acquaintances about your goals is great. Some will take you serious and some won't. But the reasoning behind this is that they can help you be on track. When you are genuine with people they respect that, and sometimes are willing to help you out.

Two: Setting goals with a partner or friend. Often times having a workout partner or a dieting parter will make things better for everyone. Besides a little competition, a little encouragement from a workout buddy makes a huge difference. Pick someone that you enjoy being with and someone that you know will help you when you feel a bit down on your self. Friends are incredible at picking one up and making us feel great.

Three: Writing down your aspirations and visions. Get a notepad right this moment, and jock down all of your goals and aspirations. On a piece of paper make a line down the middle. In one side have your "goals" and the other have "aspirations" example. Goal #1 Lose 10 pounds this month. Aspiration #1 Lose 10 pounds so I can buy a new pair of jeans, and so on. Make sure they are in detail and also try to make them very personable. Soon you wil develop these mental changes that will change your life forever subconsciously. Also Take note of the times you are at your lowest in energy and pull out your sheet and read those to you out loud. Might sound kind of weird but it works. Professional athletes do it everyday. Why not you?

Getting in top shape is harder than it looks. It takes discipline and full commitment. Its rewards are priceless and the amount of confidence you get when you are watched or check out is amazing. Or even if you simply just want to live an incredible healthy lifestyle and carrying on that mindset to your family and kids, is absolutely worth it. Stay focused, stay in the fight and we will see you in the beaches of the world sporting your ripped abs.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

3 Little Known Tips To Buying Fitness Equipment

Did you know that buying fitness equipment for your home isn’t really that difficult?
It’s true that the world of fitness equipment can seem like a maze at times and that there are literally hundreds of different types of fitness equipment pieces that might work well for your home arrangement. However, with a little guidance, the process really isn’t that hard and you will be amazed at the bargains that you can find if you just dig a little deeper than the average consumer ...

Did you know that buying fitness equipment for your home isn’t really that difficult?
It’s true that the world of fitness equipment can seem like a maze at times and that there are literally hundreds of different types of fitness equipment pieces that might work well for your home arrangement. However, with a little guidance, the process really isn’t that hard and you will be amazed at the bargains that you can find if you just dig a little deeper than the average consumer is usually prepared to. Let’s take a look at some tips to help you out in your quest for new fitness equipment.

1. Look at used equipment. This is where some good deals can be found. Fitness equipment can obtain a weird status in a person’s home. They might have been really excited to buy it initially and dreams of a fit body and monthly gym savings might have filled their head. However, after 3 months, the equipment often sits vacant in that person’s home. Used equipment can be a really good deal due to the fact that it’s often times almost as good as new but now it’s for sale. To you. For cheap. Check out newspapers, Ebay, and other places; compare prices and get a deal.

2. Consider commercial fitness equipment. Often times, you can buy the same equipment that your local gym has. Imagine, you can have that same (gasp!) Stairmaster that has dogged you for years at the local Ballys, right in your basement. This might be appealing to some who have the capital to invest in a large piece of equipment. If you no longer have to pay a $50 monthly fee to go to a gym every month, this might be a really smart investment. Look into commercial equipment, you might be pleasantly surprised.

3. The first two points are almost worthless without considering the financing of your new fitness equipment. When looking to finance your new set of fitness equipment there are tons of important factors to keep in mind. You really don’t want to be paying too much for equipment that might be found at a cheaper price (after everything is considered) elsewhere.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

3 Little Known Tips For Helping With Sleep Apnea Research

This may come as a surprise to you, but sleep apnea is more common than you think. Yes, while it might seem like you are the only one who suffers from sleep apnea, we’d be willing to be that at least a few of your close neighbors suffer from it to. Well, the information age now allows you to listen to thousands of different opinions and possible cures for whatever ails you. Sleep apnea is no different. Follow these three tips and you should be all set in your quest for more i...

This may come as a surprise to you, but sleep apnea is more common than you think. Yes, while it might seem like you are the only one who suffers from sleep apnea, we’d be willing to be that at least a few of your close neighbors suffer from it to. Well, the information age now allows you to listen to thousands of different opinions and possible cures for whatever ails you. Sleep apnea is no different. Follow these three tips and you should be all set in your quest for more information.

1) Start with a basic search on multiple websites. Try the regulars like Yahoo, Google, and MSN. Try searching for ‘sleep apnea symptoms’ or ‘sleep apnea treatment.’ Getting multiple sources of information can only make your information quest easier. Some search engines are better for some types of information (Google seems to be especially handy for scientific searches) while others are not. Get a lot of different information sources.

2) Another great source of information for everything is While we definitely don’t recommend trying to treat your sleep apnea yourself based upon the information you find (always see a physician, we aren’t physicians and can’t give a medical opinion), is a good place to start looking for any information as it is “user edited”. “User edited” means that anyone can conceivably change the information on It’s almost like a democracy of information presentation. It’s definitely worth a look in your sleep apnea research.

3) Don’t forget to look for information specifically on understanding sleep apnea. If you can’t understand what sleep apnea is, you are going to have a tough time even if you follow tips #1 and #2 to the letter. Get informed and try to understand what sleep apnea is. There are a ton of great resources out there if you look hard enough.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

3 Lessons From The Biggest Loser

All over the world, night after night, millions of people are riveted to their TV sets - but not to watch the latest soap, or CSI. Not to watch Jay Leno or Sex in the City. Not to see who outwits, outlasts and outplays others in Survivor. No - they are spellbound by the efforts of a small band of obese people trying to overcome the effects of years of overeating.

It's not surprising that for so many people this is compulsive viewing. Obesity is the new epidemic. Fat childr...

All over the world, night after night, millions of people are riveted to their TV sets - but not to watch the latest soap, or CSI. Not to watch Jay Leno or Sex in the City. Not to see who outwits, outlasts and outplays others in Survivor. No - they are spellbound by the efforts of a small band of obese people trying to overcome the effects of years of overeating.

It's not surprising that for so many people this is compulsive viewing. Obesity is the new epidemic. Fat children lumber around school playgrounds while their overweight mothers fill shopping carts with wrong choices. Then... they sit down at night to watch The Biggest Loser. They see dramatic weight loss and startling new body shapes beginning to emerge. They want the same results - and they begin to think it might be possible.

But who has four or five hours a day to work out? Who can afford a personal trainer several times a week? And who has the luxury of their own personal adviser on calorie content and smart food choices? The answer is: not many people. But you have to remember that this is television: it's a false situation. As the players keep reminding themselves and the viewers: "This is a GAME. You have to make the most of your time here - it's going to be so much harder out in the real world."

IS it harder in the real world? Probably. But you can take lessons away from watching this reality show. You can make it work for you, as well as for the contestants. Here are three practical and useful lessons you can put to use immediately.

1. Put Weight Loss First.

In the Biggest Loser household WEIGHT LOSS COMES FIRST. Make it come first in your household, too. Sounds simple, doesn't it? It is. In fact, so simple that many people just overlook it. They try to fit exercise and meal planning around everything else in their lives, instead of making it a priority.

Think: what is most important: getting the weight off, and becoming fit enough to put years on your life - or watching another TV show? Sit down with a pen and paper and allot at least one hour a day to planning meals, recording what you eat, and doing some form of exercise. You've still got 23 hours left to do everything else!

2. E is for Exercise - and Enjoy!

What else do you notice in the Biggest Loser household? The more they exercise, the more they seem to enjoy it. Oh sure, they grunt and they groan; they sweat and they complain. But as the weeks go on, you'll hear them say things like: "I never thought I'd say that I look forward to working out - but now don't feel right if a day goes past without exercise!"

The secret to enjoying exercise is finding what's right for YOU. If you don't really enjoy the gym, look for other forms of exercise. You need a mix of cardio and resistance training - but it doesn't have to be on machines. Walk, swim, dance, climb hills, push a wheelbarrow in the garden... there are endless choices that can be fun for you. Research what happens to various muscle groups - and to your heart - when you exercise, and pick activities that you will enjoy.

3. Identify the Triggers.

Emotions run high when the contestants have to face their demons. Weight gain is rarely from just a physical cause. If you keep a food diary, and faithfully record not only what you eat but when (and why) you eat it, you'll soon see a pattern of emotional eating. What are YOUR triggers? Boredom? Tiredness? Family arguments?

Once you have identified these triggers, you can start working on strategies to defeat them. This can be as simple as challenging yourself every time you want food. ("Am I hungry - yes or no? If I'm not hungry, then why do I want to eat? Am I really just thirsty? If I'm running to the fridge because I'm upset, is there something else I can do to feel better? Is there a long-term solution that will fix this forever?" and so on.) If you're not yet ready to deal with the root cause, then be prepared with food that won't add to your problems with the resulting rolls of fat. Make sure that you have 'good' food at hand - but also food that you LIKE.

These are just three of the lessons that anyone can take away from watching The Biggest Loser. And you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you did it all by yourself.

Monday, June 20, 2011

3 D's of sleeping pills

This article features the negative effects of sleeping pills and why people, in spite of all warnings, tend to take them.

After reading this, I hope you can still sleep well. Sleep-inducing medicines, popularly known as sleeping pills, have a reputation of helping people get some peace and quiet at night. Sleep deprivation is such a difficult condition to have since it literally zaps a person's energy to do the more important things in life, at work and at home. Specifically, it is used by chronic insomniacs who desperately need to get that well-deserved rest. Insomniacs often flip over the hundreds of cable channels each night hoping to get tired enough to sleep. For them, it does not matter if they sleep in from of the t.v. as long as they do get to sleep eventually. But t.v. surfing loses its effectiveness after a few nights, leaving the insomniac up and awake the whole night, and, yes, bone-weary the next morning. Manic workloads, job-related stresses, and the ever-toxic idea of work itself leaves a person with no other option but to trust the “fast” relief. Studies show that people who are prone to stress and other everyday worries are the ones who would most likely resort to the use of sleeping pills. Other studies, however, also show that long-term use of sleeping pills could cause unwanted side effects or health problems. People who often take refuge or rely mostly on these sedatives are more prone to negative effects and even life-threatening situations as:

*Degradation of activities

Studies prove that continuous use of sleeping pills can reduce brain cell activity, affect short-memory term and cause hang-overs. The aftermath of taking these sedatives may seem manageable, but in the long run, these effects may escalate into more serious problems such us forgetfulness and lack of focus. You wouldn't want to report to your workplace with confused and groggy, right? Also, it's a bad thing to forget certain work errands just because of sleeping pills.


Just like how the body forms its natural defense through the production of antibodies, the body may also develop an immunity to the drug. The frequent intake of a certain drug would lessen the potency of the active ingredients. Eventually, the user would have to take higher doses of the drug, and be open to the risk of developing a drug dependence or addiction. Sleeping pill addiction is, in fact, fast becoming a common health concern.

* Death

People who use sleeping pills have undeniably higher mortality rates than those who don't. Sleep apnea patients are advised to refrain from taking sleep-inducing pills. As sedatives, sleeping pills tend to lengthen the pauses in breathing when one is asleep. This situation can jeopardize the health of people with sleep apnea. Every year, many cases of death are attributed to the effects of these drugs.

As the saying goes, we can buy luxurious bed but we can never purchase a good night's sleep. This proverbial statement just proves that many people are really struggling to board another express train to Dreamland. And the struggle goes on. For some people, a good night's sleep is like a rare commodity. The artificial inducement of sleep may be necessary but caution must always be exercised to prevent sleeping pill overdose. Getting some “shut-eye” with the help of a pill or two need not lead to the sleep of death.

3 “Must Do” - Steps To A Happier & Healthier Day

Losing weight and maintaining the weight loss for an extended period of time requires some simple lifestyle adjustments. As long as you keep your adjustments within a sustainable reach, you should be able to lose weight and keep it off without much shock and interruption to your daily life.

Not surprisingly, losing weight does not have to require extended trips to the gym or engagement in some fad diet. Here are there steps to a healthier day that can help you slim down on...

Losing weight and maintaining the weight loss for an extended period of time requires some simple lifestyle adjustments. As long as you keep your adjustments within a sustainable reach, you should be able to lose weight and keep it off without much shock and interruption to your daily life.

Not surprisingly, losing weight does not have to require extended trips to the gym or engagement in some fad diet. Here are there steps to a healthier day that can help you slim down on weight without slimming down on your free time.

Exercise Daily

Daily exercise can make a difference in your body shape and in the way your body processes calories. When you exercise, you work your heart, mind and body. You are building your muscle mass, which in turn will increase the effectiveness of your metabolism.

Additionally, you encourage your heart to pump blood throughout your body more effectively, which means that you will have healthier blood and a reduced risk of heart disease. You reduce fatty deposits, which in turn helps reduce your risk of many health problems, such as diabetes. You also increase the number of endorphins that flow through your body, which means that you will note an increase in your positive attitude.

It does not require a large amount of time exercising to receive all of the above benefit. You simply need to workout regularly for a minimum of half an hour. Working out means taking a two-mile walk at a fast pace, throwing a Frisbee or riding a bicycle. Whatever the workout is, keep in mind that it should elevate your heart above it standing heart rate and it should make you breathe slightly heavier than normal. It is also good if you can break a sweat or feel your muscles challenged.

Eat All Things in Moderation

When you are trying to lose weight or sustain lost weight, it is vital that you allow yourself to eat all foods, but eat the unhealthy ones in moderation. The primary reason for many diets to fail is that people reduce the foods that they allow themselves to eat so drastically that they feel anxious after awhile eating the same things time and time again. When you allow yourself to give into simple cravings, you are rewarding your body and making it less tempted to crave larger portions of the bad foods.

You should also eat small portions of every food, regardless of its nutritional content. Eating smaller portions will help your stomach adjust to consuming less food. You can also drink water to help you feel full. American’s especially have a habit of eating more than one portion of food per meal – so be aware of your food portions!

Call a Buddy

Studies prove that having a Buddy help you work out increases your chances of maintaining a diet, exercise routine, or long-term weight loss. Buddies are fabulous motivators. They will keep you attuned to your habits and help you feel accountable throughout the day. If you must, enlist the help of a partner to be an appointed weight loss guardian. He or she will be tasked with ensuring that you stick to your weight loss goals by encouraging you to report your progress several times a week.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

3 Principles For Overcoming Fitness Obstacles

If you’re like me, the quest to be in shape and manage weight feels overwhelming. And, as if the quest to be fit isn’t hard enough, there’s often other obstacles to overcome: health issues, time management, mustering up courage or energy. Even if you’ve been exercising for a long time, there’s always new barriers to be broken. So, how to put all of this into perspective?

According to Tom Turner, executive liaison for the Spina Bifida Association that’s exactly it: Perspec...

If you’re like me, the quest to be in shape and manage weight feels overwhelming. And, as if the quest to be fit isn’t hard enough, there’s often other obstacles to overcome: health issues, time management, mustering up courage or energy. Even if you’ve been exercising for a long time, there’s always new barriers to be broken. So, how to put all of this into perspective?

According to Tom Turner, executive liaison for the Spina Bifida Association that’s exactly it: Perspective. And also, according to him, there’s no mountain too high to climb. Tom would know. Paralyzed from the waist down since birth he’s now 35 and trains about three times a week. In fact, he tells me, he just couldn’t get along without exercise.

So in my quest for the last word on overcoming barriers in fitness, Tom sat down with me and together we came up with 3 basic principles that will help break-down fears and intimidations when striving to reach fitness goals. (After all, if he can exercise on a regular basis, shouldn’t that be encouragement enough for anyone to give it a shot?)

Principle #1 Move Into The Fear.

“Train you mind to believe no mountain is too high or any goal is too difficult to attain,” Tom tells me. Basically, it’s all about meeting your fears and facing them head-on. In this principle, aim to recognize your fears, acknowledge them and then move through them. Ask yourself what is it that makes you uncomfortable? Have you let yourself get out of shape and are afraid you’ll never get back? Do you have an injury that’s caused you to be afraid of your body? If you can visualize creatively, then you can put your fears in check. See your self as you’d like to be. Remember: your body loves you and has the potential to heal itself to perfection. Your only job is to trust it and listen.

Q: What is your body saying to you?

Principle #2 Trust Your Intuition.

It is important when overcoming obstacles and learning to break through barriers that you begin to listen to the still small voice of your body. In most cases, we all want the comfort of having someone telling us what we can and cannot do. However, our highest truth lies within us. This is not to say that the good opinion of others is not important, but ultimately the decision making comes from within.

When facing a challenge or an obstacle look to how you feel. What are your instincts telling you? Often it is simply your instinct that will move you into a new mindset and raise your consciousness. “I wasn’t about to let the wheelchair stand in my way,” Tom tells me. In fact, he says he had to merely change his perspective about it. He says he first had to learn about what his restrictions were then, create a boundary for himself. “We all have boundaries,” he tells me. "Regardless if a person can walk or not, obstacles are as unique as people themselves. Therefore, it’s first best to know your boundaries."

Next, Tom tells me he aims to meet those boundaries. “I first reach as high as I can within the confines of what I am able to do. Whether it be more sets, reps or greater endurance, I allow myself as much time as necessary to accomplish my small goals. It always surprises me, with small steps, how quickly I can reach a Big goal.”

Principle #3 Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.

What then, about fear? I wanted to know. If we move into the fear and meet it eye to eye what if fear meets us there? “So,” I asked Tom: “are you ever afraid? “After 19 operations in my life, I’ve really come to terms with fear,” he says. “It really comes down to our most primal fear; fear of death. Once you realize that death is all part of the divine plan, it’s liberating, you can let it go and, instead, choose how to live. So instead of being afraid of death I decided to choose how to live."

So what’s the take away message? Talking to Tom, I’m reminded of the poem by Dylan Thomas who said: “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night.” It seems appropriate here. The bottom line: Staying afraid often keeps us from truly living. Tom reminds me that a positive attitude is key, "Life is all about attitude." He also says he could let fear beat him down, yet he doesn’t. “I wouldn’t want to miss being part of tomorrow,” he concludes. That said, what fears are getting in your way? Make today the right time to face them.

In conclusion: Life Beyond The Boundaries.

When you’ve faced your fears and pushed your boundaries to the edges, what then? I wanted to know. Tom smiles. “Find a new mountain to climb,” he says matter-of-factly. “It’s what makes life fun. I know I have considerations. I know that there will be days that I’ll need to stay in bed and rest while my braces are getting tuned up. It’s those times when I am with my thoughts that I decide what I am going to set my sights on.”

Author’s Note: In my personal quest to live beyond the boundaries I’ve chosen Tom as my role model (lucky for me, he's my brother). We so often look to the media for these sources and so often they are illusory. There are “real” people everywhere doing great things...look around you; angels are everywhere! Learn from them. Choose someone you look up to, admire or of whom you appreciate their values. Set goals, climb mountains! Set intention in motion and enjoy the healthy process.

3 Lessons From The Biggest Loser

All over the world, night after night, millions of people are riveted to their TV sets - but not to watch the latest soap, or CSI. Not to watch Jay Leno or Sex in the City. Not to see who outwits, outlasts and outplays others in Survivor. No - they are spellbound by the efforts of a small band of obese people trying to overcome the effects of years of overeating.

It's not surprising that for so many people this is compulsive viewing. Obesity is the new epidemic. Fat childr...

All over the world, night after night, millions of people are riveted to their TV sets - but not to watch the latest soap, or CSI. Not to watch Jay Leno or Sex in the City. Not to see who outwits, outlasts and outplays others in Survivor. No - they are spellbound by the efforts of a small band of obese people trying to overcome the effects of years of overeating.

It's not surprising that for so many people this is compulsive viewing. Obesity is the new epidemic. Fat children lumber around school playgrounds while their overweight mothers fill shopping carts with wrong choices. Then... they sit down at night to watch The Biggest Loser. They see dramatic weight loss and startling new body shapes beginning to emerge. They want the same results - and they begin to think it might be possible.

But who has four or five hours a day to work out? Who can afford a personal trainer several times a week? And who has the luxury of their own personal adviser on calorie content and smart food choices? The answer is: not many people. But you have to remember that this is television: it's a false situation. As the players keep reminding themselves and the viewers: "This is a GAME. You have to make the most of your time here - it's going to be so much harder out in the real world."

IS it harder in the real world? Probably. But you can take lessons away from watching this reality show. You can make it work for you, as well as for the contestants. Here are three practical and useful lessons you can put to use immediately.

1. Put Weight Loss First.

In the Biggest Loser household WEIGHT LOSS COMES FIRST. Make it come first in your household, too. Sounds simple, doesn't it? It is. In fact, so simple that many people just overlook it. They try to fit exercise and meal planning around everything else in their lives, instead of making it a priority.

Think: what is most important: getting the weight off, and becoming fit enough to put years on your life - or watching another TV show? Sit down with a pen and paper and allot at least one hour a day to planning meals, recording what you eat, and doing some form of exercise. You've still got 23 hours left to do everything else!

2. E is for Exercise - and Enjoy!

What else do you notice in the Biggest Loser household? The more they exercise, the more they seem to enjoy it. Oh sure, they grunt and they groan; they sweat and they complain. But as the weeks go on, you'll hear them say things like: "I never thought I'd say that I look forward to working out - but now don't feel right if a day goes past without exercise!"

The secret to enjoying exercise is finding what's right for YOU. If you don't really enjoy the gym, look for other forms of exercise. You need a mix of cardio and resistance training - but it doesn't have to be on machines. Walk, swim, dance, climb hills, push a wheelbarrow in the garden... there are endless choices that can be fun for you. Research what happens to various muscle groups - and to your heart - when you exercise, and pick activities that you will enjoy.

3. Identify the Triggers.

Emotions run high when the contestants have to face their demons. Weight gain is rarely from just a physical cause. If you keep a food diary, and faithfully record not only what you eat but when (and why) you eat it, you'll soon see a pattern of emotional eating. What are YOUR triggers? Boredom? Tiredness? Family arguments?

Once you have identified these triggers, you can start working on strategies to defeat them. This can be as simple as challenging yourself every time you want food. ("Am I hungry - yes or no? If I'm not hungry, then why do I want to eat? Am I really just thirsty? If I'm running to the fridge because I'm upset, is there something else I can do to feel better? Is there a long-term solution that will fix this forever?" and so on.) If you're not yet ready to deal with the root cause, then be prepared with food that won't add to your problems with the resulting rolls of fat. Make sure that you have 'good' food at hand - but also food that you LIKE.

These are just three of the lessons that anyone can take away from watching The Biggest Loser. And you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you did it all by yourself.

3 Blunders To Avoid on Your Weight Loss Journey

There are times on your weight loss journey when progress can come to a halt. Days or weeks can go by without you seeing movement on the scale, and it can get downright frustrating. After working with thousands of clients, I’ve noticed certain patterns that can cause this weight loss stoppage. Here are 3 of those patterns.

There are times on your weight loss journey when progress can come to a halt. Days or weeks can go by without you seeing movement on the scale, and it can get downright frustrating. After working with thousands of clients, I’ve noticed certain patterns that can cause this weight loss stoppage. Here are 3 of those patterns.

1) Eating more than you think you are.

Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Zone Delivery Service, and other diet systems have one undeniable benefit to them – they define for the average person how large an actual “serving” is. Most of us underestimate the volume of food we eat (and consequently, underestimate the number of calories we consume in a day).

By fixing in your head what a serving size or “portion” of food looks like, we can better estimate (and consequently, evaluate and calibrate) the amount of food we eat at each meal. Keep in mind, when it comes to weight loss, you need to take in less calories than you burn each day.

Two good rules of thumb:

A portion of meat (3 oz.) is the size of a deck of cards.
A portion of carbohydrates (1 cup) is the size of a tennis ball.

Please remember to fill up on non-starchy vegetables – they are full of nutrients, have very little impact on blood sugar, and contain little in the way of calories.

2) Not eating frequently enough.

It is a social custom to eat “three square meals” a day. While this may do for social purposes, for weight loss, you will want to aim for more frequent feedings. It is recommended that you consume a minimum of 5-6 small meals each day. By doing so, your body gets the signal that food is abundant, and there is no need to conserve energy.

Additionally, frequent feedings maximize your metabolism, as your body is constantly busy, burning calories by digesting your meals. By not letting too much time pass between meals, you stabilize blood sugar levels since they never really get the chance to drop. By keeping your blood sugar stable, your hunger levels are minimized, decreasing the chances that you will be tempted to overeat at your next meal.

3) Choosing to drink your calories instead of eating them.

This is a very common problem among those attempting weight loss, due to the abundance of “healthy” diet smoothies, protein concoctions, and weight loss shakes. There are 2 factors to keep in mind when relying on these liquid meal replacements.

First, many of the liquid diet shakes on the market and all fruit smoothies have an abundance of sugar in them. This causes an immediate surge in energy followed by a huge crash due to the release of insulin to control the blood sugar rise. This dramatic shift in blood hormone levels (particularly insulin levels) is something you want to avoid, both for health reasons and for weight loss.

Secondly, most weight loss shakes are devoid of fiber. Fiber is one of your most precious allies when you are dieting. It helps you feel full and blunts the rise in insulin levels when all that sugar hits your bloodstream. While fruit smoothies do contain some of the fiber from the pulp of the fruit, a better strategy would be to eat the actual fruits contained in the smoothie.

Lastly, the amount of calories that can be concentrated into a shake or smoothie is far greater than the equivalent volume of actual food. A 16 oz fruit smoothie may contain as many as 600 calories, and will not fill you up all that much! On the other hand, eating 600 calories of fruit will prove to be much more than the typical person can manage in a single sitting (at least, I personally don’t know anyone that can eat more than 2 pounds of bananas at a single sitting!).

Think about it- when making major dietary changes, you want to get the most out of your calories. Wouldn’t you rather fill up, rather than drink something and be hungry again soon after?

Yeast Infection: Description, Causes and Treatment

This article discusses the symptoms, dangers, and related health problems of yeast infection. It also discusses the various causes and treatments available for this health problem. Finally, it mentions the importance of knowing these information about this condition relative to the problem's prevention and treatment.

What is Yeast Infection?

This kind of infection is most common among women. However, many remain ignorant or unaware of this medical problem. It is important to know the symptoms, dangers, and related conditions of yeast infection to be able to treat it early on. It is also necessary to determine the various causes of this disease to be able to avoid it before it even happens. Finally, it will be most helpful for any female person if she is also knowledgeable of the several possible treatments for yeast infection to be able to curtail it immediately.

Not many women are familiar with the term “yeast infection”. However, more women are probably aware of or have experienced previously the symptoms of this condition. The top three signs of having yeast infection are itching, burning and pain, and discharge. Itching of any part of the skin or body is usually caused by an infestation of foreign organisms such as fungi or bacteria in a particular area of the body. In the case of yeast infection, the affected portion is the vaginal part and the surrounding areas. The infection can cause intense itching that rashes or redness usually develop secondary to scratching. Another indication is a burning or painful sensation in that area especially when urinating. The skin in a woman's vaginal part may already contain sores due to frequent scratching that when placed in contact with the acidity of urine may cause pain or a burning sensation. This feeling may be similar to that which is experienced when having urinary track infection, however, they occur at different areas of the body. Lastly, some women report of having discharges that are usually described as odorless, white, and cheese-like. At other instances, a starch-like odor is said to be observed from the discharges.

Yeast infection itself is not considered as highly dangerous, however, it can be very irritating and disturbing especially among women who are already preoccupied with other responsibilities or tasks. On the other hand, like most infections, it is highly transferable to other individuals including the opposite sex. Certain conditions of the body may make it easier for a person to acquire this disease such as diabetes and use of antibiotics.

Other health problems which are usually associated with yeast infection include urinary tract infections and possible complications during pregnancy. However, these are not scientifically-based and are yet to be proven or negated in future studies.

What causes Yeast Infection?

The scientific term for yeast infection is Candidiasis. This was derived from the the yeast organism or fungus-like Candida that causes this condition. Fungus thrives in dark and moist areas such as the vaginal area of women. Certain health conditions such as pregnancy and diabetes make people, especially women, more prone to acquiring yeast infection. Pregnancy causes a change in the metabolic balance and vaginal acidity of women which is more favorable to fungus growth. Fungus are also known to thrive among individuals with high sugar levels such as in the case of people with diabetes and those with defects in sugar metabolism.

What are the treatments for Yeast Infection?

Various oral medications such as Diflucan or fluconazole and topical treatments may be prescribed by doctors to cure yeast infection. Home remedies such as using yogurt and garlic, whether internally and externally, can also be done. It is, however, important to consult a doctor first prior to applying any of the available remedies to avoid complications and further harm.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Tools to Optimize Your Health and Well Being

Everyone has different reasons for wanting to lose weight and deciding on your reasons will help you to focus on the finish line and the results you hope to achieve. The Journal of the American Dietetic Association recommends setting short, medium, and long term goals in order to achieve maximum results.

Do you want to lose weight and feel better about yourself? The first step towards weight loss and a healthy lifestyle is to develop a plan of action. Start by evaluating your goals. Do you want to fit into your old jeans or keep up with your younger friends in a pickup basketball game? Maybe you just want to feel better about yourself.

After setting goals, you should begin to consider how to make your goals come to life. For most people, a change in lifestyle, through diet and/or exercise, is needed to reach long term weight loss goals. A Chi Machine can make a great addition to your new, healthy lifestyle. Chi Machines, like the Chi Vitalizer CY-106, provides passive exercise through an elliptical motion that can help to increase circulation and lymphatic system drainage. This can help to eliminate toxins from the body and increase metabolism, helping to make your dietary and active exercise programs that much more effective.

Using a Chi Machine after a long, hard day can help you to relax and keep you from overeating as a response to the stresses in your life. Making a Chi Machine a regular part of your weight loss plan can create structure that allows you to stick to the other parts of your diet as well. Consider using your Chi Machine for 5-15 minutes a day, either before or after your other exercises or before eating a healthy snack. A lack of exercise and increasing weight can become part of a never-ending spiral. Using a Chi Machine can help you to increase your anabolic metabolism and decrease catabolic metabolism. Catabolic metabolism is a negative force that can inhibit weight loss and contribute to the negative spiral of weight gain and poor health. Read more about Anabolic and Catabolic Metabolisms at Creating a routine and sticking to it is the most important aspect of weight loss success and a Chi Machine can help you achieve your goals and begin a new, healthy lifestyle.